The Labrador Retriever, often known simply as the Labrador or Lab, is a British breed of gundog and one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide. With their iconic floppy ears, expressive eyes, and wagging tails, Labs exude charm and warmth. Renowned for their athletic abilities and eagerness to please, Labs excel in various roles, from therapy work to search and rescue. The Labrador’s gentle and patient temperament also makes them exceptional companions for children, earning them the reputation of being one of the best family dogs.
Denali – Female
Name: Denali
Sex: Female
Current Age: 11 Weeks – 2 Days
Lifespan: 8 – 10 years
Shipping & Delivery: Available
Price: $900
Registration: YES
Status: Available
Quality: Show Potential
Registered: Yes
Vaccinations: Puppy is vet checked, house and potty trained, registered and up to date on shots. Loves the company of kids and all other household pets.